Guardians of the Zodiacs

Privacy Policy

Last Updated April 24, 2021


This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") explains how the Ok Cool Inc. ("Ok Cool Inc", "Ok Cool Company", "Ok Cool", "we" or "us") located at 651 N. Broad St., Suite 206, Middletown DE 19709, collects and processes information from users of the website located at (the "Website"), other online services we provide (collectively "Services") and products (for example, games like Guardians of the Zodiacs and game items such as Zodiac Talismans and ZTAL NFTs (also known as Non-Fungible Tokens), we provide (collectively "Products").

What data we collect and why

In order to provide this website, Ok Cool Inc. collects information that you share directly with us when you use our website. This would include the products you are searching to buy, when you use our products, you might also provide information when you communicate with us through email or other means.

We also collect technical information about your device and use of to make sure that our website is working correctly. The information we collect is focused on providing our users with a better way to shop online and to help us develop, improve, and market our Services.

Technical Information

We automatically collects information to ensure that our website works correctly on different devices and browsers. This includes data like:

  • the type of device you are using
  • operating system
  • browser type
  • IP address
  • event stamp
  • error logs

This data allows us to ensure that our website is functioning properly, to give you a better experience, and to detect and prevent malicious activity the best we can. This data also helps us better understand how our users engage with the website. The tools we use are common digital tools, widely used across the internet space, that help us learn about your interactions with our website; or emails that we may send to you if you subscribed to our mailing list. For example, we can learn about whether or not you opened an email we sent to you, or if you visited a link in those emails.

How we share your data

Your trust is immensely important to us; and we know how important your personal data is to you, so we will never sell your data. We'll only share it with your consent or in ways you'd expect, as explained here. Basically, we will only share your data if needed to complete your purchase, with businesses who help us operate our, or if we are legally required to do so.

We may share information with our service providers, which include businesses that work for and with us, for the purpose of operating Ok Cool Inc. and fulfilling our commitments to you. This would include businesses that perform services on our behalf, including to help us maintain our website, to provide support for legal, banking, security protection, payment processing, our own marketing, and customer service.

We may also share information in the following instances:

  • with your express consent;
  • in an aggregate or anonymized format that does not identify any specific person;
  • as required by law, or to comply or respond to a valid government request;
  • when we believe in good faith that it’s necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, or investigate fraud; and
  • with a buyer or successor of if Ok Cool Inc. is involved in a merger, acquisition, or similar corporate transaction. If that happens, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on the Website of any change in ownership, as well as any choices you will have as a result.

How we protect your data

The security of your information is very important to us.

We hate to say this, but will also be the first to admit that despite our efforts, we still can't guarantee that user information will not be accessed, viewed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed as a result of a breach of any of our safeguards and a compromise of our systems. Please understand that: You provide us with information at your own risk.

Ok Cool Inc. only retains information for about as long as you continue to use We'll also keep information if we need it to meet our legal obligations and to defend against legal claims.

How we use cookies and similar technologies

Like most other online services, our uses cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, and other markers (we’ll refer to these as “cookies”) to collect some of the data discussed in this Privacy Policy. These help us operate our website, services, analyze engagement and usage, and provide a relevant and personalized shopping experience for you. See below to learn how you can manage your cookie preferences.

Some cookies we use may be temporary (for example, "session cookies" used for navigating your browser) and disappear once you close it. When we add a login feature in the future, "persistent cookies" will be used for when you want our website to remember your login (cookies like this will remain saved to your computer until you delete them).

The three functions where we use cookies are for the purposes of Operation, Analytics and Ad campaigns.

  • Operations cookies are needed to make our Services work, and for the Login feature, include remembering your login credentials and entries into a form, adding items to your shopping list, navigation, and standard technical checks like load balancing or javascript checks.
  • Analytics cookies are used to help us monitor what is going on when our users are using the website. Not just traffic and activity on our website, but also to help us coordinate our marketing campaigns. You are not identified specifically, but you may be indirectly linked to your unique user ID. This data helps us understand trends and general demographic data, and the broad usage and operation of our site.
  • Advertising cookies are used to help us measure, optimize and build audiences for our ad campaigns. This method allows for us to measure cross-device conversions, optimize delivery to people likely to take action, or create custom audiences from website visitors. An example of this would be Facebook pixel. Please see below section to read more about Facebook Pixel.

  • If you wish to disable cookies entirely, your browser or mobile device might give you an option to do that. For more information, including finding instructions on disabling cookies, please check out:

Your choices for managing your data

It is super easy to opt out of our products or services at any time. Simply email us at letting us know and we will handle your request the same way we wish our request to be handled whenever we opt out of other services out there.

If you are reaching out to us to delete your information, we have an obligation to do so in a responsible manner. However, we may still store some data in an aggregated and anonymized format that doesn't identify you and can't be attributed to you (or if we're legally required to do so).


Our Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to take necessary actions.

Links to Other Sites

Our Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Thus, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Google Analytics and Google Ads

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (Google). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. In case of activation of the IP anonymization, Google will truncate/anonymize the last octet of the IP address for Member States of the European Union as well as for other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address is sent to and shortened by Google servers in the USA. On behalf of the website provider Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website provider.

Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

This website uses Google Ads that may collect information used to identify you. Your continued use of our website, products and services means that you consent to the use of cookies or other local storage and the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization ads.

Link to Google Anlytics policies:

Google reCAPTCHA

We have implemented Google reCAPTCHA on our website to protect our website from fraud and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on websites. Meanwhile, legitimate users will be able to login, make purchases, view pages, or create accounts and fake users will be blocked. Your use of reCAPTCHA is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

EU user consent policy

Ok Cool Inc. uses Google Ads provided by Google, Inc. (Google) to market our products. We are responsible for providing certain disclosures and obtain consents from end users in the European Economic Area along with the UK.

We strive to be in compliance with certain requirements of two European privacy laws: the General Data Protection Regulation (GFPR) and the ePrivacy Directive, as well as any equivalent UK laws. These laws apply to end users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK. The EEA comprises the EU Member States and Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

Your personal data will be used when you give your consent on our site/app and your personal data will be used for personalization of ads. Cookies may be used for personalized and non-personalized advertising. If you do not agree to this policy, do not use our site/app and services. If we monetize only with Non Personalized Ads, we may use cookies or other local storage (like mobile device identifiers). Please note that even the non-personlized ads that Google serves on websites still require cookies to operate.

We strive to continue displaying our consent notice to all users that visit our website. Not only to users from all EEA countries. Our consent notice gives our users the option to take affirmative action to indicate consent e.g. clicking an "OK" button or an "I Agree" button.

This website uses Google Ads that may collect information used to identify you. Your continued use of our website, products and services means that you consent to the use of cookies or other local storage and the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization ads.

Link to Google's uses of data and information:

Facebook Pixel and Facebook Business Tools

This website uses Facebook Pixel, a web analytics tool provided by Facebook Inc. (Facebook). Facebook Pixel allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising by understanding the actions users take on our website.

This website uses Facebook Business Tools which help ensure our users receive the most relevant message at the right time across their customer journey. Personailized advertising is powered by data and machine learning, but we understand that people are demanding greater data privacy. To get more information about Facebook's privacy tools and data processing practices from the people who built the Facebook family of apps, please visit Facebook's Good Questions. Real Answers.

Facebok Pixel is a piece of code that are on all or most of the pages of our website. When an action occurs, for example when someone subscribes to our email newsletter list, our Facebook pixel will fire and log that event. Logging these type of events will help us measure and optimize our ads.

This website uses Facebook Pixel that may collect information used to identify you. Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the website:

Changes to this policy

We may update or modify our Privacy Policy from time to time in the future. Please review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

How to contact us

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments about our privacy policies and practice, please contact us at